Wei-Wei Wu

Demystifying Tree Shaking


I recently discovered this issue on GitHub from 2019 where tree shaking in webpack wasn't working as expected. That took me down a rabbit hole of different docs and forums to get to a definitive answer.

But first, let's define what tree shaking is. I've always thought of it as "unused code should not be included in my final production bundle." Though that statement is technically correct, it lacks nuance.

With the introduction of ES6, we got modules and import export statements, which are statically analyzable and opened the door to many bundling optimizations. According to the Module Spec, imported modules must be evaluated. And an evaluated module may have side effects.

What is a module side effect? A module side effect is any code that might do something when a module is evaluated. Module side effects complicates how modern tools can effectively remove unused code. Take the following example.

// Button.js
import { withHOC } from "lib";
var BaseButton = () => {};
var Button = withHOC()(BaseButton);
export default Button;
// Button.js
import { withHOC } from "lib";
var BaseButton = () => {};
var Button = withHOC()(BaseButton);
export default Button;

If Button is unused in your application code, it is safe to remove the export statement.

- export default Button;
- export default Button;

Is it safe to remove the rest of Button.js? To be able to remove the rest of Button.js, our bundler must first determine whether evaluating this module is side effect free. For example, does invoking withHOC result in a side effect? Does invoking the return value of withHOC result in a side effect? Due to the dynamic nature of JavaScript, in most cases, tools like rollup and terser cannot reliably determine whether side effects are present. So that's why we sometimes have to give our tools some hints.


Have you ever seen this magic comment in your bundle and wondered what it does? Take the following example.

// t.js
import { test } from "test-module";
const t = /*#__PURE__*/ test();
export { t };
// t.js
import { test } from "test-module";
const t = /*#__PURE__*/ test();
export { t };

By prepending an expression with this comment, we are telling our bundler that this statement is pure, or side effect free. That means if t is unused, it can safely remove the rest of t.js since there are no side effects.


This is a webpack optimization that relies on terser to detect side effects in statements. However, as stated earlier, it is difficult in JavaScript. This optimization is on by default in production mode.


This is a webpack optimization that relies on a new field in package.json that specifies side effects (if any) for a whole package. Here are some examples.

// package.json
"sideEffects": false
// package.json
"sideEffects": false
// package.json
"sideEffects": ["index.css", "polyfill.js", "*.css"]
// package.json
"sideEffects": ["index.css", "polyfill.js", "*.css"]

This is conceptually very similar to /*#__PURE__*/, but instead of operating at the statement level, it works on the module/file level. By specifying this property, you are telling webpack that specified files have side effects when imported while also informing which ones are pure and side effect free and thus can be easily optimized when exports are unused.

If a module is not flagged in sideEffects and no direct exports are used, the bundler can skip evaluating that module for side effects.

This allows webpack to drop whole modules and subtrees. Take the following example ui package.

// util.js
export const getButtonProps = () => {
return {
id: "test",
// util.js
export const getButtonProps = () => {
return {
id: "test",
// Box.js
import "./Box.css";
const Box = () => {
return <div />;
export { Box };
// Box.js
import "./Box.css";
const Box = () => {
return <div />;
export { Box };
// Button.js
import { getButtonProps } from "./util";
const Button = () => {
return <button {...getButtonProps()} />;
export { Button };
// Button.js
import { getButtonProps } from "./util";
const Button = () => {
return <button {...getButtonProps()} />;
export { Button };
// polyfill.js
import "regenerator-runtime";
// polyfill.js
import "regenerator-runtime";
// index.js
import "./polyfill";
export { Button } from "./Button";
export { Box } from "./Box";
// index.js
import "./polyfill";
export { Button } from "./Button";
export { Box } from "./Box";
// package.json
"sideEffects": ["index.js", "polyfill.js"]
// package.json
"sideEffects": ["index.js", "polyfill.js"]

If in your application code, you have the following statement.

import { Button } from "ui";
import { Button } from "ui";

Here is how webpack decides which files to include.

File Direct Export Used Flagged with sideEffects Included

In the final bundle, only four files are included after the sideEffects optimization. After this, webpack can remove even more code via usedExports and /*#__PURE__*/.

How To Distribute Libraries That Are Tree Shakable

Here are a couple of things library authors can do to ensure their libraries can be optimized.